Thursday, August 4, 2011

One step forward, two steps back

It's Thursday!  Hooray!  Tomorrow Dude comes home! :) 

So I made progress in my workouts today...I split jerked 100 lbs over my head!  Woohoo!  That's a LOT of weight (for me!)!  Then I came home and ate ice cream and popcorn for dinner.  Like I said, one step forward, two steps back.  ::Sigh::  At least it wasn't wheat???  That's what I keep telling myself..."Hey!  It's gluten free, it could be worse!"...

I have a work bowling function tomorrow afternoon...basically the entire company is split into teams, we compete against each other in some sort of large bracket, and we eat and drink the whole time.  Really I think it's just an excuse for a bunch of accountants and engineers to get together and drink, but who am I to judge? :)  I am terrible at bowling, so I'm guessing we'll just be playing one or two games.

I finished my popcorn...I now want more ice that bad??

Oooh!  When Harry Met Sally is on the Oprah channel...gosh I love this movie! :)  BABY FISH MOUTH!  :)  "Baby talk?!  That's not even a saying!" "Oh, but baby fish mouth is sweeping the nation."


  1. 1. I did not know that you had a blog--hooray!
    2. Baby fish mouth is the BEST part of that movie (and the movie is fantastic so that's saying a lot). "Yes sir that's my baby!" "No sir, don't mean maybe!" I also love when they're singing "Surrey With a Fringe on Top" and Helen walks up on them. I am now cracking up thinking about that movie. Michael is looking at me like I'm an idiot. Perhaps you and I should have a movie night. :)

  2. Baby Fish Mouth is DEFINITELY one of the best parts...but I also have a deep affection for the "Days of the Week Underpants" part. It's a close battle for my favorite. :) Yes. Movie night should happen.
