I am watching The Bachelor this season. I used to watch it pretty regularly when I was in college...we'd have Bachelor nights at the sorority house and at girls' apartments. It's much more fun to watch and judge with a large group of people. :) I stopped watching after a while because a) I started working like an insane person when I got out of college and didn't have time and b) I gave up on actually hoping that a real love connection could be made on this show (yes, I actually hoped for at least one of the Bachelors to actually find love!). I would just get pissed off when the Bachelor would inevitably pick the wrong girl (i.e. not the one I'd be friends with) or he'd pick the RIGHT girl and then after the show was done filming they'd go their separate ways and break up (Travis Stork, I had high hopes for your relationship with Sarah, sigh).
Now I'm working at a normal person job and I get to go home and decompress and watch TV. I'm also working with a bunch of gals and we chit chat about things we've watched during the week. So this season, a lot of us are actually watching the Bachelor. This time I am watching without the expectation of seeing a happy ending and more for just witnessing the train wreck. I have to remind myself that 9 times out of 10, even if the girl SEEMS normal, she's probably a little wackko because she's actually ON the Bachelor. How many of these Bachelor/Bachelorette relationships have actually worked out? Let's see, Trista and Ryan...uhhh...that's it? I guess you could SAY Jason and his #2 (Molly), but she wasn't the one he picked on the show. Ashley and J.P. haven't had enough time to break up yet, but I'm sure it will happen...and even if it doesn't, then ABC will have two out of twenty-three. Super good odds. Face it, if you go on that show, you're not going to find love, and even if that's not your main goal (fame whore) you're pretty much doomed to the D-list of celebrity.
Which brings us to this season...Ben. He looks like a poor man's Josh Groban. Some of the chicks on this season seem "nice" and "normal" (I qualify this by saying, again, if you're a contestant on this show I question your level of normalcy) like Lindzi, Kacie and Jennifer. As an accountant from Oklahoma, I of course have a soft spot in my heart for Jennifer. :) Nicki kind of annoyed me with her discussion of her prior marriage...I'm not hatin' because she was married before, I'm just puzzled with her explanation of why it didn't work. She kind of indicated that she got a divorce because the "spark" wasn't there anymore and the "excitement" faded away. Um, marriage is not a romantic comedy or a never ending string of Bachelor level dates...I think Nicki needs a little reality check. The first night, with Jenna (the Carrie Bradshaw wanna-be blogger from NY), that was just plain old embarrassing. Then that embarrassment continued into the SECOND week. Seriously girl, pull yourself together and stop weeping all the time! When a guy sees this show he will NEVER want to date you (well, when his sisters/mother/friends' wives watch the show because most likely the dude isn't watching anyway). Blakely is just weird and a crappy fake crier. Courtney is straight up evil, and as one co-worker pointed out, looks like the unibrow chick from Dodgeball.

::SPOILER ALERT!:: If you haven't watched this week's episode, look away!
WHAT THE HECK BEN! WHY DID YOU KICK OFF JENNIFER?!?!?!? She did not show signs of being insane, a b*tch, OR a weepy hot mess! Her dismissal last night was seriously out of left field and I was PISSED. You keep Jamie (who I keep forgetting about...has she even been featured at all??) and Casey S (who just looks like a Hilton sister and doesn't seem to have any personality) but kick off Jennifer who you continued to make out with even during the cocktail party? From here on out I am officially hating on Ben.

Ok, you're good now.
That is all on the subject for tonight...future posts will explore The Biggest Loser, America's Next Top Model, and Teen Mom/16 and Pregnant.