Thursday, November 8, 2012


Hello all!

I had an NST this morning (nonstress test) and it went great!  The baby is super "reactive" meaning that he was moving around a lot and his heart rate would increase with his movement.  Normally these tests take about 20 minutes and they want to see at least 2 spikes in heart rate correlating with baby movement...I easily had that in probably the first 5 minutes (I told you he's a mover and a shaker!).  The PA who was monitoring the test came back in the room after the first 10 minutes and was like, "Whoa you're done!"  So, no surprise, Rob-O aced his first test (I mean, duh...he's the offspring of me and Beej...this will be the first of many aced tests). 

The PA went and showed the schematic (the graph looking paper with squiggly lines on it that came from the machine to which I was hooked up) to the doctor, who then decided to come in and do a quick exam.  The schematic showed the baby's heart rate patterns and also uterine pressure (contractions).  So apparently I was having a few contraction like pressures even though I couldn't really feel them.  The doc checked me out and I was 1 cm dilated!!  YAAAAAY!  (I realize this is NOT a lot at all, but it's better than nothing and since I haven't shown progress in the last 3 or 4 weeks, this feels like a victory!)  Since I was closed up tight during my appointment on Monday the doctor was encouraged by the fact that I had made SOME sort of progress over the last few days, and therefore feels more confident that if we have to induce next week that it has a better chance of being successful.  HOPEFULLY we don't have to worry about that and I'll just go into labor naturally sometime between now and Monday...cross your fingers everyone!!

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