Monday, August 20, 2012

30 Week Update

How Far Along? Holy cow...30 weeks?!?!?!  ONLY 10 WEEKS TO GO?!?!?  So you're telling me I have 10 weeks to close on my house in Dallas & move out, buy a house in the Tulsa area & move in, get the nursery ready, and then have this kiddo?  No pressure, right?  :)

Size of Baby?  Almost 16 inches long and almost 3 lbs, so probably the size of some sort of squash.    

Maternity Clothes?  Mostly maternity, and whatever is not already packed away.   

Weight Gain?  Around 19 lbs I believe.

Gender?  Boy!  Robert Oscar

Sleep? I love sleep.  I am sleeping well, just getting up to pee in the night (thanks for that bladder kick, kiddo).      

Food Cravings?  Nothing in particular.

What I Miss? Dairy without the pain of heartburn.  Sleeping on my belly or back.    

Symptoms? Just the aforementioned heartburn!    

Belly Button?  I’m gonna go ahead and call it an “outtie” now! 

Best Moment of the Week?  Last weekend one of my super sweet friends threw a baby shower for me since I’m moving back to Tulsa soon!  That was pretty wonderful!  Rob-O is way loved already! 

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