Saturday, August 11, 2012

What's going on?

Soooo it's been a very exciting, tumultuous and stressful last few months!  Why, you may ask?  Well, for those of you who don't already know...we're moving back to Tulsa!!!!!!  Whaaaaaaat?!?!  Yes, it's true!!  We've always talked about moving back to Tulsa eventually (my parents live there, BJ's parents live there, we went to school there and love attending basketball and football games at our alma mater) and since we're having a kiddo, what better time to do so?  Things worked out w/ BJ's employment so that he was able to find something new to do in Tulsa (he's officially employed in Tulsa at this point) and quit his job in Dallas.  We put our house on the market at the very end of June (the 28th to be exact) and by the end of July we had a contract on it!  Woohoo!  As of Friday we're no longer in the option period, so now we just have to hope that the house appraises and all goes well with the closing. 

We've been packing and looking for houses in Tulsa (we'll probably stay with parents until we find a house we like), and so basically I've been flying by the seat of my pants since June.  Weekend plans and such have been dependent upon house stuff, and now future plans are dependent upon more house stuff and moving.  I feel pretty useless because I can't really help too much with the packing (no one will let me lift anything!), but we're getting stuff together, slowly but surely! 

I've informed my employer that I'll be moving, and I'm super bummed to leave them.  I've really loved every minute of my job at Merit...they've been great to me and I'm so appreciative of the work environment and learning opportunities that I have been able to experience there.  Plus, the people are amazing and I've made some great friends that will be very hard to leave!  I'm not going to look for a job right away when I go to Tulsa, and after the baby's born we'll just kind of play it by ear to see if I'm dying to get back to work or if I can't imagine leaving my baby for one moment. 

So that's the scoop...we're moving back to Tulsa!  We'll be there soon!  Hope you're ready for us, T-town!!
You know you love us...

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