It is officially my due date...and I'm still way pregnant! It's funny to hear people telling me, "Oh you'll have him soon, you've definitely dropped!" then the next person I see will tell me, "It might still be a while, it doesn't look like you've dropped yet!" It's also funny to watch strangers' faces when they ask me, "Oh, when are you due?" and I say, "Today" (or "Saturday" or "Yesterday" as I'm sure I'll do tomorrow)...their eyes get really wide like I'm going to have the kid right then and there. Basically, God and Rob-O are the only ones who know when he'll come, so I'm just not stressing about it. I'll know when it's time to go to the hospital because a) my water will have broken or b) contractions will be strong enough and regular enough for me to know that they're actual contractions (still not sure if I've had any yet) and we will have timed them and stuff. Until then I'm just going to continue doing what I do (not really sure what that is just yet) and resting when I get tired.
I have a doctor's appointment on Monday, and we may discuss scheduling an induction, but I think I'll still try to give him at least another week or two to come out on his own...heck I was almost a month late (Sorry Mom!) and my bros were both at a week or two late. I'm not completely miserable or anything (even if I do whine a little now and then) and if the baby's still healthy in there, why try to take him out before he's ready?
Alright, Rob-O, lets get this show on the road! Please come join us soon! :)
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
39 Week Update
You guessed it...still pregnant! Luckily Rob-O allowed me to go to Homecoming this past weekend (so much fun!), but now he is officially allowed to come out whenever he wants (maybe sooner rather than later?). I think we're about as "ready" as we're going to get, so now I'm just anxious to meet him! I still have heartburn, my belly button is still out (like, way out) and I'm holding steady at the same weight I've been for the past month and a half. Nothing much has changed since last week! :)
The house has come together quite nicely (special thanks to my mom for her love of cleaning and her willingness to come over and mop/vacuum/clean the kitchen)...we really just need to paint a few more walls (probably won't get done before the baby comes) and go through some boxes that we have in closets (hopefully will get done this week). The weather here in Tulsa has been actually pretty warm this past week, so I've been wearing my maternity shorts and t-shirts, which is good since the majority of my maternity clothes ARE warm weather items. Hopefully it does cool off soon though and become "fall" again because it's my favorite season. :)
I went to the doctor this afternoon and he said that I'm still not progressing, but the baby's fine (good heartbeat, making those breathing motions, plenty of fluid around him and he's still moving around like crazy) so I think we're just going to keep waiting it out! No discussion of induction yet (yay), but BJ and I are wondering if maybe we'll have the baby next Monday on the full moon (it seems that lots of babies are born during a full moon). If he comes on a full moon, I will call him Wolfie. :)
Here's the latest picture...and yes I am huge, but I guess that can be expected when you are in your 40th week of pregnancy...
The house has come together quite nicely (special thanks to my mom for her love of cleaning and her willingness to come over and mop/vacuum/clean the kitchen)...we really just need to paint a few more walls (probably won't get done before the baby comes) and go through some boxes that we have in closets (hopefully will get done this week). The weather here in Tulsa has been actually pretty warm this past week, so I've been wearing my maternity shorts and t-shirts, which is good since the majority of my maternity clothes ARE warm weather items. Hopefully it does cool off soon though and become "fall" again because it's my favorite season. :)
I went to the doctor this afternoon and he said that I'm still not progressing, but the baby's fine (good heartbeat, making those breathing motions, plenty of fluid around him and he's still moving around like crazy) so I think we're just going to keep waiting it out! No discussion of induction yet (yay), but BJ and I are wondering if maybe we'll have the baby next Monday on the full moon (it seems that lots of babies are born during a full moon). If he comes on a full moon, I will call him Wolfie. :)
Here's the latest picture...and yes I am huge, but I guess that can be expected when you are in your 40th week of pregnancy...
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Quick update!
Went to the doctor this afternoon...still pregnant...still gonna be pregnant for a while I think! Lol! Little Robert is snug and warm in mommy's belly and isn't really showing any sign of trying to come out anytime soon, so we're gonna just let him cook until he's ready! I also think he's part tazmanian devil based on all of the spinning, kicking, and general movement going on in there. This kid obviously will have his mother's spaziness.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
38 Week Update
Alright, I think most of my questions & answers are staying the same, so I'm just going to update normally, not with any template! I am now 38 weeks along (wow!)...The Bump says he's the size of a pumpkin (but I'm guessing a smaller pumpkin, not one of the huge jack-o-lantern pumpkins). The kiddo can really vary in size, anywhere from just over 6 lbs to 9 lbs (praying that 9 lbs is not the case here).
I've still been holding steady at a 20 lbs weight gain...I might ask my doc about that during my appointment on Tuesday, just to double check if that's okay...maybe he can perscribe me a dozen cookies or something if necessary ;). I've been sleeping pretty well, still only dealing with heartburn as my main "symptom" of pregnancy (other than the fact that it looks like I'm smuggling a basketball under my shirt). I went to the doctor on Monday of this past week and he said everything looked Rob-O is making breathing motions, and I'm pretty sure I felt him "breathing" the other day. The doctor said I wasn't dilated yet, and the head is still high up, but I am progressing, so hooray! I'm interested in seeing how much progress we've made in a week when I go to my appointment on Tuesday! :)
Last Monday night we went and toured the hospital at which I will be delivering little Rob-O. On Tuesday night we had our last lamaze/"Prepared Childbirth" class. We've got the car seat base in the car, I THINK I have my labor bag mostly packed (I'm sure I'm forgetting something), and Rob's room is officially ready for him and I think 99% of his stuff has been it's finally starting to sink in that at any point in the next few weeks I could be heading to the hospital and coming back with a BABY! Whaaat?! How crazy is that? I know that it's kind of a crapshoot when "predicting" when this kid will come, but I feel better knowing that I should DEFINITELY know when it's time to go to the hospital...either my water will break or I will have realized that I'm having regular contractions for the duration that the medical experts have indicated. It could happen tonight, it could happen in 2 or 3 weeks...WHO KNOWS?!? I just have to be ready, and I think I just may be!
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My "special" pumpkin from a couple of years ago... |
Last Monday night we went and toured the hospital at which I will be delivering little Rob-O. On Tuesday night we had our last lamaze/"Prepared Childbirth" class. We've got the car seat base in the car, I THINK I have my labor bag mostly packed (I'm sure I'm forgetting something), and Rob's room is officially ready for him and I think 99% of his stuff has been it's finally starting to sink in that at any point in the next few weeks I could be heading to the hospital and coming back with a BABY! Whaaat?! How crazy is that? I know that it's kind of a crapshoot when "predicting" when this kid will come, but I feel better knowing that I should DEFINITELY know when it's time to go to the hospital...either my water will break or I will have realized that I'm having regular contractions for the duration that the medical experts have indicated. It could happen tonight, it could happen in 2 or 3 weeks...WHO KNOWS?!? I just have to be ready, and I think I just may be!
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38 Weeks! Accessorizing "the bump" with a scarf, tall brown boots and big gold earrings. |
Saturday, October 6, 2012
37 Week Update
Size of Baby? About the size of a winter melon (no idea
what that really is)…approximately 19-20 inches long and a bit over 6 lbs!
Clothes? Maternity clothes and BJ’s
old long sleeve t-shirts…I really should have bought more fall/winter maternity
things. The high today is supposed to be
in the low 50s and I have one maternity sweater (3/4 sleeve), two pairs of
jeans and a pair of leggings. Crap.
Weight Gain? Holding at around 20 lbs
Gender? Boy! Robert
Sleep? Sleep is great…most mornings I don’t want to
wake up J
Food Cravings?
Well, due to my heartburning, my nightly treat has been popsicles. It’s sweet (but not that bad, only 8 grams of
sugar per pop) and cold and doesn’t contain dairy…I’ll take it.
What I Miss? My cute fall clothes. And unfortunately I get emails from Banana,
Gap, Old Navy, etc., that show all the cute fall trends that I can’t wear at
the moment…but at least it’s motivation for the post-baby body project!
Symptoms? Heartburn, round ligament pain, general
giant-ness and uncomfortableness.
Belly Button? Out
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This pic was taken at my parents' house. I'm sporting my TU shirt because it's game day (obvi). We won, but it was ugly. P.S. I'm a whale. |
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