Alright, I think most of my questions & answers are staying the same, so I'm just going to update normally, not with any template! I am now
38 weeks along (wow!)...The Bump says he's the size of a pumpkin (but I'm guessing a smaller pumpkin, not one of the huge jack-o-lantern pumpkins). The kiddo can really vary in size, anywhere from just over 6 lbs to 9 lbs (praying that 9 lbs is not the case here).
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My "special" pumpkin from a couple of years ago... |
I've still been holding steady at a 20 lbs weight gain...I might ask my doc about that during my appointment on Tuesday, just to double check if that's okay...maybe he can perscribe me a dozen cookies or something if necessary ;). I've been sleeping pretty well, still only dealing with heartburn as my main "symptom" of pregnancy (other than the fact that it looks like I'm smuggling a basketball under my shirt). I went to the doctor on Monday of this past week and he said everything looked Rob-O is making breathing motions, and I'm pretty sure I felt him "breathing" the other day. The doctor said I wasn't dilated yet, and the head is still high up, but I am progressing, so hooray! I'm interested in seeing how much progress we've made in a week when I go to my appointment on Tuesday! :)
Last Monday night we went and toured the hospital at which I will be delivering little Rob-O. On Tuesday night we had our last lamaze/"Prepared Childbirth" class. We've got the car seat base in the car, I THINK I have my labor bag mostly packed (I'm sure I'm forgetting something), and Rob's room is officially ready for him and I think 99% of his stuff has been it's finally starting to sink in that at any point in the next few weeks I could be heading to the hospital and coming back with a BABY! Whaaat?! How crazy is that? I know that it's kind of a crapshoot when "predicting" when this kid will come, but I feel better knowing that I should DEFINITELY know when it's time to go to the hospital...either my water will break or I will have realized that I'm having regular contractions for the duration that the medical experts have indicated. It could happen tonight, it could happen in 2 or 3 weeks...WHO KNOWS?!? I just have to be ready, and I think I just may be!
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38 Weeks! Accessorizing "the bump" with a scarf, tall brown boots and big gold earrings. |
It sounds like you are going to fly through these next few weeks without a problem! Heartburn can suck it, seriously. Can't wait to see pictures of Rosco's room (bonus points if the pictures INCLUDE Rosco)! You look amazing as always and I believe you can blame me for the lack of weight gain--I seem to be doing quite well for the both of us.
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't already started having contractions, my doctor always told me that if I could sleep through it, then it wasn't the real thing. A yoga ball was great during labor and I knew it was time to go to the hospital when I started doing the math of how many contractions I would have to sit through in the car (I had back labor and sitting was the worst). So excited for you :)