I'm too lazy to post a blow by blow of this show, so I'll just share my overall thoughts:
Arie - I do think it's weird that he didn't acknowledge the fact that he knew Cassie (the producer) from way back when. Obviously Emily doesn't care b/c she's still tongue wrestling with him after that whole thing came out.
John "Wolf" - Dude doesn't really seem to have great chemistry w/ Em. Seems like a nice enough dude, just probably not gonna happen.
Sean - Thumbs up
Doug - Why are your arms crossed when you're sitting alone with Emily if you're not pissed at her? She's in the corner of the freakin' window seat huddled up against the wall and the window! You could tell that was doomed. Peace out dude.
Chris - You are really freakin' intense, dude. I'm kind of scared of you...I'm afraid that Emily is going to have to call the cops on you when she dumps you and you're stalking her. Weirdo.
Jef - Right now he's my guess for who gets the final rose. He looks like he's about 12, but I think he and Emily are best girlfriends and could totally play house together.
John gets sent home, no surprise, but I really wish she would have sent Chris home too, b/c he is kind of nuts.
Always love the hometown dates though...looking forward to next week and the awkwardness of family.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
22 Week Update
How Far Along? 22
Size of Baby? This week he’s the length
of a spaghetti squash, or 11 inches and he's weighing about a pound! Wow!
Maternity Clothes? A mix
of both
Weight Gain? Probably about 12-14 lbs
Gender? Boy!
Sleep? Falling asleep is a
lot easier now that I’m generally avoiding dairy in the evenings…heartburn is
less intense! When I’m asleep I’m dead
to the world. Also, when I’m laying down
to fall asleep, I usually feel little Robert squirming around in there, which
is kinda cool.
Food Cravings? For
some reason I really want spaghetti…plain old, gluten-y noodle spaghetti. I haven’t had it, but it sounds good.
What I Miss? Being skinny, eating dairy without feeling
like my esophagus is burning, etc.
Symptoms? Moodiness & heartburn.
Belly Button? It wants to come out…I’m very curious
as to when it will actually happen!
Best Moment of the
Week? Hmmm…can’t think of anything in
particular! This week has been a pretty
good one in general! My sister in law
sent little Robert a super cute outfit, so that was fun to open! I am just enjoying life here in the big D!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
21 Week Update
Size of Baby? This week he’s the size
of a pomegranate, 10.5 inches (head to toe, no longer measuring head to rump)
and 12.7 oz. I’m not sure what kind of
pomegranate is 10.5 inches...that’s a pretty freakin’ huge fruit.
Maternity Clothes? Mostly
maternity pants and then some non-maternity shirts. This past weekend my mom took me to buy a few
more maternity items for my birthday. J
Weight Gain? We’re gonna go with 12ish lbs…I think
I don’t want to look anymore to be honest.
Gender? Little Dude.
Sleep? Sleeping well…although
when I lay down I sound like a dinosaur because all these weird burpy sounds
start coming up. So not cool.
Food Cravings? All of
it. Food in general.
What I Miss? Sleeping on my back or on my stomach.
Symptoms? Moodiness…extra road rage and general
irritation. I apologize if I’ve been
mean to you, whoever you are. I blame
the baby.
Belly Button? Shallow innie…or a “flattie” as a
co-worker and I call it.
Best Moment of the
Week? BJ got to feel the baby kick on Sunday
night…that was pretty cool. J It is definitely weird, but pretty
funny. Also, it was my birthday this
past week (hooray, I’m old!) and so we went home and I got cake and birthday
wishes, which is always appreciated.
Monday, June 11, 2012
The Bachelorette, Week 5
Yes, I'm still watching this show...I've just been really lax about posting my thoughts because, well, I'm lazy.
So this week, the group is in jolly ol' London. Sean from Dallas got the first date. So I've been a Sean fan for the past few weeks...but good Lord does this guy seem cheesey or what? I mean, even if I THINK I like one of these guys, I have to remind myself, "This guy is on the Bachelorette...he's probably not really normal." I still think he's my favorite so far...but I need some wine to go with his cheese. Anyways, he gets a rose, no shock there since he's seemingly perfect.
Group date includes a bunch of dudes and Emily trying to recite Shakespeare. This is painful to my ears. Travis (the egg guy) seems to be taking it all in stride and laughing at himself, which is appreciated, b/c lets face it, none of these guys is Shakespeare material. Kalon is taking himself VERY seriously, which is hilarious, b/c I think he's the only person in the world (maybe his mother, too) that takes him seriously. Ugh. Travis is kind of cracking me up though. Ryan and Kalon (both who are gag-worthy) are Romeos...OMG did Kalon just shoo Emily away so he can rehearse? WHO THE HECK IS THIS GUY?!?
Side note, does Arie have kind of graying hair or is it just the way the light hits it?
Back to the complete butchering of Romeo & Juliet. It was pretty terrible, but everyone (except for Kalon) is seeming to have fun with it and not taking it all too seriously. Ryan is thrilled to pieces about having Arie watch as he kisses Emily for the play (cue pissing contest here). Thank goodness, the scenes from the play are now over. Haha, Ryan, now Arie's kissing her for real for the second time. Suck on that. Now Ryan is giving her jewelry...and then he ruined it all by giving the wink. Oh man, now Kalon is talking once again, and every word out of his mouth is condescending. Ok...so now I think we're getting somewhere. Kalon called Rickie baggage...and he admits it. Oy vey. Doug goes ahead and tells Emily about it...I think Doug is a much better "single parent friend" than potential husband for Emily. I feel like he's definitely falling into the friend zone. Commercial break, but Emily is about to tell Kalon off (ITS ABOUT FREAKIN TIME!). Oh guuurl, it's about to get serious...Emily just took her jacket off! Oh snap, she just used your line on you, Kalon! You are done-zo, boy. Emily is pissed that none of the guys spoke up sooner about Kalon, so she doesn't give out a rose. This doesn't bode well for Doug in the end because he DID tell her about Kalon...so is he chopped liver or something?
Time for the date w/ Jef. Does he have circulation to his upper body b/c those pants look UNCOMFORTABLY tight. Jef and Em are going to "ahf-ta-noooon teeeea" with an ettiquette teacher. They ditch ol' Jean and go to a pub and get some fish and chips and beers. I find it funny when the guys are like, "Emily's raising an amazing daughter..." how do you know this? She hasn't let y'all MEET her daughter! Jef knows Chloe handbags??? Huh? They have "dessert" in the London Eye...not gonna lie that looks pretty cool. Jef and Emily cheers to "not being the single girl"...the producers might be editing it this way, but I think Jef might know a little about being the single girl. Jef your hair makes me angry. Jef and Emily finally kiss (P.S. I really hate watching people make out on camera...it's so awkward).
Cocktail party time: Emily basically asks all the guys why they didn't stand up for her to Kalon or tell her sooner or whatever. Ryan got some kisses, Sean got some kisses...isn't Emily sick? Should she be going around smooching everyone?
Roses: Jef & Sean already have roses, Kalon was already kicked out, so there are 7 dudes and 6 roses. Friend Doug, Macho Ryan (why are you wearing a scarf dude?), Smarmy Chris, John "Wolf", Travis (I have no funny names for you), and last but certainly not least, Arie. Poor Ale-ale-jandro. Although we know he was just being kept around for the diversity factor.
Next few weeks could be good...since Emily wanted someone to tell her about Kalon it looks like the guys are going to be jumping to tell her about any little thing. Boy drama might actually be WORSE than girl drama.
So this week, the group is in jolly ol' London. Sean from Dallas got the first date. So I've been a Sean fan for the past few weeks...but good Lord does this guy seem cheesey or what? I mean, even if I THINK I like one of these guys, I have to remind myself, "This guy is on the Bachelorette...he's probably not really normal." I still think he's my favorite so far...but I need some wine to go with his cheese. Anyways, he gets a rose, no shock there since he's seemingly perfect.
Group date includes a bunch of dudes and Emily trying to recite Shakespeare. This is painful to my ears. Travis (the egg guy) seems to be taking it all in stride and laughing at himself, which is appreciated, b/c lets face it, none of these guys is Shakespeare material. Kalon is taking himself VERY seriously, which is hilarious, b/c I think he's the only person in the world (maybe his mother, too) that takes him seriously. Ugh. Travis is kind of cracking me up though. Ryan and Kalon (both who are gag-worthy) are Romeos...OMG did Kalon just shoo Emily away so he can rehearse? WHO THE HECK IS THIS GUY?!?
Side note, does Arie have kind of graying hair or is it just the way the light hits it?
Back to the complete butchering of Romeo & Juliet. It was pretty terrible, but everyone (except for Kalon) is seeming to have fun with it and not taking it all too seriously. Ryan is thrilled to pieces about having Arie watch as he kisses Emily for the play (cue pissing contest here). Thank goodness, the scenes from the play are now over. Haha, Ryan, now Arie's kissing her for real for the second time. Suck on that. Now Ryan is giving her jewelry...and then he ruined it all by giving the wink. Oh man, now Kalon is talking once again, and every word out of his mouth is condescending. Ok...so now I think we're getting somewhere. Kalon called Rickie baggage...and he admits it. Oy vey. Doug goes ahead and tells Emily about it...I think Doug is a much better "single parent friend" than potential husband for Emily. I feel like he's definitely falling into the friend zone. Commercial break, but Emily is about to tell Kalon off (ITS ABOUT FREAKIN TIME!). Oh guuurl, it's about to get serious...Emily just took her jacket off! Oh snap, she just used your line on you, Kalon! You are done-zo, boy. Emily is pissed that none of the guys spoke up sooner about Kalon, so she doesn't give out a rose. This doesn't bode well for Doug in the end because he DID tell her about Kalon...so is he chopped liver or something?
Time for the date w/ Jef. Does he have circulation to his upper body b/c those pants look UNCOMFORTABLY tight. Jef and Em are going to "ahf-ta-noooon teeeea" with an ettiquette teacher. They ditch ol' Jean and go to a pub and get some fish and chips and beers. I find it funny when the guys are like, "Emily's raising an amazing daughter..." how do you know this? She hasn't let y'all MEET her daughter! Jef knows Chloe handbags??? Huh? They have "dessert" in the London Eye...not gonna lie that looks pretty cool. Jef and Emily cheers to "not being the single girl"...the producers might be editing it this way, but I think Jef might know a little about being the single girl. Jef your hair makes me angry. Jef and Emily finally kiss (P.S. I really hate watching people make out on camera...it's so awkward).
Cocktail party time: Emily basically asks all the guys why they didn't stand up for her to Kalon or tell her sooner or whatever. Ryan got some kisses, Sean got some kisses...isn't Emily sick? Should she be going around smooching everyone?
Roses: Jef & Sean already have roses, Kalon was already kicked out, so there are 7 dudes and 6 roses. Friend Doug, Macho Ryan (why are you wearing a scarf dude?), Smarmy Chris, John "Wolf", Travis (I have no funny names for you), and last but certainly not least, Arie. Poor Ale-ale-jandro. Although we know he was just being kept around for the diversity factor.
Next few weeks could be good...since Emily wanted someone to tell her about Kalon it looks like the guys are going to be jumping to tell her about any little thing. Boy drama might actually be WORSE than girl drama.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Halfway There! 20 week update
Size of Baby? Per the Bump, 6.5 inches
and 10.2 oz…per our ultrasound on Thursday, baby is a little bigger than that,
measuring at about 11 oz (what can I say, we’re overachievers, and our child
will be too…)
Maternity Clothes? A mix
of both…I went through my closet today and packed away a bunch of clothes that I cannot wear anymore, and now my closet looks very sad and bare. However I don't want to go buy a bunch more pregnancy clothes since I can only wear them for a few months, so be warned, I will be wearing repeats frequently.
Weight Gain? Per the doctor’s office: 10 lbs. Per my scale, 10-12 lbs, depending on the
Gender? BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY! And yes, we already have a name, Robert Oscar
(a combination of family names). Will we
call him Rob, Robert, Oscar, Rosco, WHO KNOWS?!
Sleep? Sleeping is better now
that I’ve decided to not eat dairy after 5 p.m.
Food Cravings? Sugar,
chocolate, salty snacks, normal Jenni cravings.
What I Miss? Fitting into my old clothes.
Symptoms? Pregnancy rage. Ok, so maybe not “rage” per se, but severe
annoyance. Little things irritate me
very easily. If you're riding in the car with me while I drive, you will probably experience some of this rage. I realize it’s completely
irrational, coming from the girl who just caused a wreck a week ago, but it happens. Also, I'm starting to feel like I'm "great with child"...bending over to pick things up is getting harder, as is getting in and out of the car.
Belly Button? Shallow innie.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
19 Weeks
Size of Baby? About
6 inches & 8.5 oz…either a mango or a large heirloom tomato.
Maternity Clothes? A mix
of both…but guess who FINALLY received her Destination Maternity gift cards in the
maaaaaiiiiil?!?!?! MEEE! Hooray hooray hooray!! I bought a sweater
for fall, a sweater dress (that will also come in handy in the fall with some leggings), a skirt
for work, jeans,
work pants, green
shorts, two
tees, two
tanks, and a cute white
eyelet shirt! Plus I still have some
$$ left over on my gift card! Score!
Weight Gain? 10ish lbs
Gender? We find out on THURSDAY! SO EXCITED!!!!
Sleep? Sleep is wonderful. J
Food Cravings? Sugar,
salty snacks, normal Jenni cravings. Tonight we're having fried chicken, a la the Paleo Comfort Foods cookbook...looking VERY much forward to that!
What I Miss? Fitting into my old clothes (there are a LOT of cute sun dresses that I want to wear without looking like a whale, but that's not gonna happen this summer).
Symptoms? I’ve decided my heartburn is worse when I
have dairy, so I’m going to try to lay off that for a while. Goodbye ice cream and cheese...moment of silence...
Belly Button? Shallow innie.
Best Moment of the
Week? I am deferring this one since I just
answered it a few days ago… J
![]() |
I cropped my head out of this b/c I looked ridiculous. :) |
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