Sunday, September 16, 2012

34 Week Update

34 Weeks...shirt makes my belly look lumpy!

How Far Along? 34 Weeks! 

Size of Baby?  Weighs about as much as your average cantaloupe (4.75 lbs) and is about 18 inches long.       

Maternity Clothes?  Maternity…however it’s getting cooler outside (yaaay fall!) but I have mostly summer maternity clothes…soooooo I’m starting to wear pre-maternity cardigans with my maternity tanks.  Also, I have 2 pair of maternity jeans, therefore they’re getting a lot of wear.     

Weight Gain?  20ish lbs…we’ll see the official weight gain at the new doctor’s appointment tomorrow! J

Gender?  Boy!  Robert Oscar (Rob-O, Rosco, ROD, Roberto, Pumpkin, Little Monkey, there are a plethora of nicknames as of right now). 

Sleep? Still sleeping well aside from the 2-3 potty breaks in the middle of the night      

Food Cravings?  Nothing in particular…getting back on my normal “diet” this week…meat, veggies, fruit, with allowances for chocolate J. 

What I Miss? Being able to get off the couch without a struggle, being able to bend over to pick stuff up, being able to move/carry stuff, being able to do a decent workout (no joke, my “workout” on Saturday was walking a mile…it took me 27 minutes…bleh).    

Symptoms? Heartburn, and I’m starting to feel some sharp little pains here and there…are they Braxton Hicks contractions?  No clue.      

Belly Button?  Out

Best Moment of the Week?  This weekend my sister-in-law threw a fabulous little baby shower for me! (Shout out, Crystal!) She did an AWESOME job decorating and making little foods for it!  I was thoroughly impressed!!  My cousin, Jessica, got me the CUTEST cake as well (holla for argyle!).  I felt very loved!!  J  Thanks everyone!!
Welcome sign on the front door
Yummy foods and cute decorations
Balloons, decorations, gifts
Parting gifts
Cake!  Yum!  It tasted as good as it looked!

Also, we’re VERY excited about going to the new doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning!  I’ll do a quick update after the appointment as well.  Childbirth classes start on Tuesday, so that could be awesome and traumatizing.  Hopefully more of the former than the later.

AND, this week is the week we close on our new house!!  Hooray!!  I’ve already scheduled our electricity to be turned on, gas to be turned on, and cable/internet to be turned on.  I have to go to city hall to get the water turned on, so I’ll do that this week sometime.  I’ve also scheduled carpet cleaners to come on closing day so we’ll have them nice and clean before we move in!  Things are happening fast!!  Yay!

1 comment:

  1. That cake is amazing (as are all of the decorations)! I love the 27-minute-mile story. (I would be ECSTATIC if I could walk a mile in that amount of time.) SO happy to hear you like the new doc and can't wait to hear the fun stories of moving into your NEW HOME!!
