Sunday, September 30, 2012

36 Week Update

How Far Along? 36 Weeks! 

Size of Baby?  About the size of a honeydew melon…approximately 18 ½ inches long and almost 6 lbs!         

Maternity Clothes?  Maternity…I am tempted to buy some new maternity clothes but I keep having to remind myself I’m only going to be pregnant for another month…I don’t really NEED to buy more stuff…I’m already doing plenty of spending for the baby!     

Weight Gain?  Still chillin’ at the 20ish lb mark. 

Gender?  Boy!  Robert Oscar

Sleep?  Sleep is great when I don’t have heartburn.  Unfortunately, I keep eating chocolate and getting heartburn.  :-\ STOP YOURSELF…BE STRONG, JENNI!        

Food Cravings?  Nothing in particular! 

What I Miss? Being able to eat dinner while sitting on the couch…unfortunately my belly is so big it makes it awkward to try to eat unless I’m sitting at a table.  And that whole “use your belly as a shelf” thing doesn’t work for me. 

Symptoms?  Heartburn, round ligament pain, general giant-ness and uncomfortableness.      

Belly Button?  Out

Best Moment of the Week?  I think this whole week’s been pretty fantastic…we moved into our new house, I’ve been doing baby laundry, washing all his clothes in special “baby safe” detergent and stuff…and next week I plan on going final baby shopping.  Robert’s room has been painted, we have his crib and changing table/dresser in his room and set up, so now it’s just filling it up with all his fun stuff! 

P.S. Random strangers are now commenting on my belly... “When are you due?”  “Do you know what you’re having?” and the weirdest… “Don’t date!” which was spoken directly to my belly by a bizarre Walmart employee.  Uhhh…ok?  The employee did ask me what I was having, to which I responded “Boy” and then he proceeded to tell my belly not to date.  So strange.  I quickly got my over-the-door towel rack and left the area.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo for 36 weeks!! Except where's the picture of the pretty pregnant lady? :) I know what you mean about maternity clothes--I keep thinking I need to buy more but have no desire to purchase something that I will wear for one month (at most). It's more fun to buy baby clothes anyway. :) Moving on to the bizarre Walmart employee... wtf? I really, REALLY wish I was there with you when that whole thing went down. I'm glad you got out of there fast--no telling what he would've said/done next.
