Saturday, May 5, 2012

15 Weeks

How Far Along? 15 Weeks

Size of Baby?  Per, s/he is the size of a beefsteak tomato, per, s/he is the size of a naval orange.  I like oranges better than tomatoes, but I like Alphamom better than The Bump. J  The wee babe weighs around 2.5 ounces and measures 4 inches…gangly little thing! 

Maternity Clothes?  I bought some maternity clothes the other day, so now I’ve got one pair of work pants, two pairs of shorts and a pair of denim capris that are of the “maternity” grouping.  But for the most part I’ve been wearing flowy shirts, dresses and my belly band.  I will have to say, though, maternity pants that go all the way over your belly are AMAZINGLY comfortable.  And there is no “line of judgment” that stays on your waist with you after you’ve taken them off. 

Weight Gain?  As of this morning, we’ll say around 6 lbs.  My pre-baby weight fluctuated by about 2 lbs on any given day (yes I have a scale and yes I subject myself to daily weigh-ins, not because I’m concerned about the number but because I just like knowing things like that). 

Gender? No clue.  Hopefully we’ll find that out in a few weeks!

Sleep? Pretty good, I do wake up at least once in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, but I usually fall back asleep in no time!  I’m not constantly exhausted like I was during the first trimester (I took, like, 3 naps over the course of my 1st trimester, and I NEVER take naps…I actually despise naps).  I still am in bed by 9:00, but now I’m usually staying up and reading until 10:00 before lights out. 
Food Cravings? I don’t think I’m really having any abnormal “cravings” per se…I mean, I ALWAYS crave candy/chocolate/ice cream/French fries…soooo yeah nothing really different there J. 

What I Miss? Sleeping on my back, kipping pull ups (it feels too awkward now), lifting heavy weights at Crossfit (I had just been hitting a bunch of PRs before I got knocked up…hopefully those will come back quickly after the kiddo is born).  I also miss feeling slim and trim.  Now I feel like people on the street see me and think, “Gee, someone needs to lay off the ice cream, fatty!” (which is probably partially true). 

Symptoms? Heartburn, ugh, and general tiredness, although, like I said, it’s getting better…yay!  Oh, and I have giant boobs.  I know, they were pretty big to begin with…but seriously, these things should have their own zip code.  Grumble.

Belly Button?  Innie…but it’s starting to look shallower
Best Moment of the Week?  Well it wasn’t this week, but last week it was pretty funny because I was wearing my maternity shorts (which are coral colored and totally adorable, if I do say so myself) at Albertsons and the middle aged lady behind me in the checkout line asked (totally paraphrasing from memory here), “Where did you get those shorts?!  Those are so cute and my 16 year old daughter needs some shorts that are stylish but not super short like they make them nowadays.”  I just laughed and said kind of awkwardly, “Weeeellll, these are actually MATERNITY shorts…sooooo…yeah.  But they do make shorts with different inseam lengths at Old Navy!” (I wanted to still be helpful!).  We had a good laugh and the woman assured me that her 16 year old daughter would not be buying maternity shorts for a (hopefully) long time. 


  1. You look great!! And this is fun! Except comparing bumps will not be fun because I will always win (or lose, however you choose to look at it). I pointed out the exact same thing to Michael about the belly button losing some depth--that worries me A LOT. Also, I believe I tried on those coral shorts (in green) but did not buy them at the last minute due to already purchasing two pairs of shorts and ZERO work pants. I've regretted it ever since. Anywho.

    1. I totally almost bought the green shorts as well, but I had the same guilt factor. Any time you need a maternity shopping buddy, holler! ;)

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